1980 to 1989



•Harbor Springs II,一个全学院的撤退,包括教师,管理人员,工作人员 和董事会成员. A continuation of the College's revisioning 过程.


在20世纪80年代,圣母圣徒成为许多运动的竞争者,包括排球. 在20世纪80年代中期,女排教练沙伦·沙茨(Sharon Schatz)带领球队参加了许多会议 锦标赛.

维修小屋成为一个可怕的万圣节派对的首选目的地 each October, sponsored by the Physical Plant department.


Aquinas athletes enjoy continuing success. Fabian Knizacky set records in racewalking and competed on the national scene in that event. Pitchers Dave Gumpert and Paul Assenmacher lead the Saints to victory and later go on toe major league careers. 戴夫•Gumpert 为堪萨斯皇家队投球,被选为全国校际协会成员 体育运动 Baseball 名人堂 in 1988. In 1995 and 1997, Assenmacher pitched relief in the World Series for the Cleveland Indians. 80年代中期,排球教练 莎伦·沙茨带领球队参加了无数的会议冠军和国际比赛 在夏季.

At left: Reception for the Holmdene renovation in 1982. 原来的建筑,竖立起来 1908年作为洛威家族财产的一部分,自1955年以来一直用作住宅 for 多米尼加 sisters who taught and worked at the college. 在20世纪80年代早期 大楼从住宅变成了行政人员的办公空间,包括 the president, and faculty from several academic departments. 1982年,这座建筑 获得了大急流城历史保护委员会的历史地标地位. 尽管这座建筑必须符合现代消防规范,有封闭的楼梯, the historic feel of the interior rooms was preserved.


1984 to 1986

Losing it at the Gala Weekend water balloon toss, 1984.

艺术和音乐中心于1984年开放,其声学精美的克雷斯彻默独奏会 音乐会大厅. 的 Center was designed by 十大赌博正规平台在线 alumnus and architect 阿尔弗雷德·刘,1965年. 的 recently opened Art and Music Center quickly becomes a mecca for avant-garde and traditional art and music.

新开业的艺术和音乐中心设有音乐节目和演奏厅 the lower lever and art classes and a gallery on the upper level. 它的工作室外观 穿过校园北端树木繁茂的峡谷和小溪.

十大赌博登录官网美丽的绿色校园是在宜人的天气里学习的理想场所. 美丽的树木繁茂的校园继续吸引着潜在的学生 campus community gets up in arms when suggestions are made to cut down trees.


荣誉学生徽章计划是由加里·埃伯利创立的,是一个教育项目 enhancement program serving the needs of high achieving students. 提供特殊 seminars and senior projects which encourage students to go into greater depth in 他们的专业,该项目最终将从最初的12名学生发展到 一百多岁.


Mid-1980s Quiz Bowls find out who has the most trivial mind on campus.

Returning alumni challenge the current AQ basketball team at 1985 homecoming.

十大赌博登录官网女子篮球伟大的凯西·格泽戈尔斯基带领圣母圣徒队取得了胜利 1980年的. Kathy becomes Aquinas's all-time leading scorer with 2,037 career points. 女子篮球是十大赌博登录官网新增加的运动项目,并在教练指导下进行 帕蒂蒂巴尔迪女士圣徒赢得了许多头衔,包括全国天主教锦标赛 in 1984.

伍德豪斯图书馆从旧的卡片目录系统改为计算机自动目录系统 system thanks to a $350,000 grant from the Grand Rapids 基金会.


赫鲁比总统在任期间提出的最后一项倡议是“年龄融合”, 消除了传统年龄和继续教育学生之间的界限,从而精简 the administration and encouraging greater age diversity in the classroom.

女子足球 is added as a new sport in the mid-1980's and soon becomes a power in the WHAC.

妇女中心 opens on campus to focus on the needs of women. Eventually, the Women's Studies Minor 是否被添加到课程中.


Aquinas sports legend Laray Hardy on his way to the record books in 1986. 哈代的得分 他在十大赌博登录官网获得了2643分,创下了至今仍未打破的大学记录 making him one of the highest scoring collegiate players nationally.

在密歇根漫长的冬天之后,十大赌博登录官网的学生们用“感谢上帝,春天来了”来庆祝, 1986. 对于许多人来说,这个一年一度的欢乐和轻浮的日子已经成为校园生活的一部分 多年来平衡秋季的晚会周末.

诺伯特·赫鲁比在经历了16年的创新之后,于1986年从主席职位上退休 进步. 的 legacy of his presidency is a number of new programs serving previously 缺医少药人群. 接替他的是博士。. Peter D. 奥康纳,他被选中 be the third president 十大赌博正规平台在线 lead it into the 1990's.

的 beer tent remains a fixture of Gala Weekend. 这里是资深图书管理员Hiram Bakes hands a draft over the counter to a thirsty alumna.


1987 to 1989


Dr. Peter J. O'Connor is selected as the third president 十大赌博正规平台在线. 几乎 奥康纳立即实施了一项雄心勃勃的校园计划,承担了被推迟的任务 maintenance projects and planning for campus expansion. 技术上的变化包括 为迎接校园电脑化而铺设光缆,并进行改造 阿尔伯特·马格努斯科学馆.

学院采购 克里斯托弗的房子 和10.5 acres of grounds on Woodward Lane and Robinson Road from the Catholic diocese 以满足不断扩大的需求 荣誉学院 and to provide space for further growth.


期待已久的阿尔伯特·马格努斯科学馆办公大楼开始建设 in 1987. 的 renovation of Albertus Hall is funded by a grant from the Grand Rapids 基金会. 的 four-story tower, when dedicated in 1989, contains faculty office 空间,科学和数学部办公室,会议室和学生休息室.

正在挖掘将添加到阿尔伯特大厅的教员办公大楼的地基 in 1987.


的 wall of the 1960 section of Albertus Hall is removed to make way for the 1987 塔之外.

从南面重新装修的阿尔伯特大厅,展示了新的黑色百叶面板 replaced the former salmon pink aluminum from the 1960 construction.

的 renovation and expansion of Albertus Hall is only a part of 校园改造 和升级 that takes place under president Peter O'Connor. In 1988, a high-tech IBM ROLM telephone 系统安装在校园各处,介绍教职员工和学生的暧昧关系 奇迹 phone-mail. That same year, the College installs the 同事软件系统 to manage financial and academic records

新生人文课程 启动. Required of all incoming first-year students, the academically ambitious 课程旨在为学生提供一个理解的智力框架 the development of western civilization in a two-semester intensive course.


频谱奖学金比赛 is begun to attract high-achieving students to Aquinas. 旨在绘制学术 校园领导们,它为参加比赛的学生提供五份全额奖学金 annual Saturday invitation-only competition. 最终,有几百名学生 compete annually for the scholarships. 的 winners of the competition automatically become members of the Insignis Program for Honors students.

听到来自“硅萨尔”的自动留言,这是十大赌博登录官网电话邮件的官方声音, 点击这里. You will be linked to an audio clip from "Historically Speaking: an oral history 十大赌博正规平台在线."

1988年7月, 改革宗圣经学院十大赌博正规平台在线同意出售附近的RBC的合同条款 以600万美元的价格卖给十大赌博登录官网大学. This purchase, though costly, adds 11 buildings 连接主校区和最近购买的布朗中心 (前克里斯托弗·豪斯). By fall, 1988, Aquinas students occupy some RBC residence 大厅.


1988年,彼得·奥康纳校长为改革宗圣经学院院长 埃德温·D. Roels to buy RBC's campus which adjoins Aquinas. 这笔600万美元的交易 获得学院11栋新建筑,大大扩大校园,但成本和 subsequent debt service create a great financial burden for Aquinas.

President O'Connor oversees the expansion of the college in the late 1980's. 之一 他担任校长的目标是澄清学院的使命和 re-emphasize its Catholic and 多米尼加 heritage.

十月:奥康纳校长提议更换这棵树,引起了校园里的一阵骚动 作为书院的标志. In the end, the tree resisted felling, and the familiar logo remains, in one form or another for many years.


书院庆祝 20th anniversary of its 继续教育 program. Aquinas has long been a recognized leader in the field of life-long learning. 的 week-long event features receptions in the Academic Building.

Summer: Aquinas launches $8 million capital campaign called 十大赌博正规平台在线发展壮大 为了建立一个独立的图书馆,为了购买新的科学仪器, and help finance the recent RBC campus purchase.

十月:亚瑟·布可夫斯基主教,十大赌博正规平台在线的第一任校长,死于充血性 心脏衰竭. College classes are suspended on the day of his funeral. 校园 教堂以他的名字重新命名.

11月: 十大赌博正规平台在线 Child Development Center opens in its first location, on the campus of Marywood. 最终,它移动到 主校区,然后到圣. Adalbert's school on Grand Rapids near west side.


1989年,布可夫斯基主教去世后,教堂更名为布可夫斯基牧区 Center. 的 building was part of the original Lowe estate and had served the college, 多年来,作为体育大楼,艺术大楼,最后,教堂 after a fire nearly destroyed the building in the 1970's.

1989年,由于汉斯克内克特家族的慷慨捐助,法蒂玛 纪念在第二次世界大战中牺牲的十大赌博登录官网学生的神社被翻新和重新奉献.

在拉尔夫·鲍德温的领导下,鲍德温基金会捐款3万美元 to the Capital Campaign towards the construction of a 新天文台 阿尔伯塔斯大厅顶部.

学生们继续学院对饥饿和无家可归的社会服务的承诺 与德盖奇事工、仁人家园和上帝的厨房一起工作.

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